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Andúril, Flame of the West - Art Andúril, Flamme de L'Ouest - Illustration 3 0.25
Andúril, Narsil Reforged - Art 0 N/A
Aragorn and Arwen, Wed - Art Aragorn et Arwen, époux - Illustration 1 0.49
Aragorn, Hornburg Hero - Art 0 N/A
Aragorn, King of Gondor - Art Aragorn, roi du Gondor - Illustration 4 0.25
Aragorn, the Uniter - Art Aragorn, l'unificateur - Illustration 3 0.24
Arboreal Alliance - Art 0 N/A
Arwen Undómiel - Art Arwen Undómiel - Illustration 1 0.49
Asceticism - Art Ascétisme - Illustration 2 0.49
Barad-dûr - Art Barad-dûr - Illustration 4 0.20
Bilbo's Ring - Art Anneau de Bilbo - Illustration 2 0.25
Bilbo, Retired Burglar - Art Bilbo, cambrioleur à la retraite - Illustration 4 0.25
Boon of the Wish-Giver - Art Faveur de l'accordeur de souhaits - Illustration 3 0.25
Boromir, Warden of the Tower - Art Boromir, Gardien de la Tour - Illustration 3 0.20
Call for Aid - Art Appel à l'aide - Illustration 2 0.20
Call Forth the Tempest - Art 0 N/A
Cavern-Hoard Dragon - Art Dragon à la caverne au trésor - Illustration 2 0.20
Commander's Sphere - Art Sphère du commandant - Illustration 3 0.24
Courageous Resolve - Art 0 N/A
Elanor Gardner - Art Elanor Gardner - Illustration 2 0.49
Elrond, Lord of Rivendell - Art Elrond, seigneur de Fondcombe - Illustration 3 0.49
Éomer, Marshal of Rohan - Art Éomer, maréchal du Rohan - Illustration 1 0.49
Éowyn, Fearless Knight - Art Éowyn, chevalière intrépide - Illustration 2 0.49
Faramir, Field Commander - Art Faramir, commandant de terrain - Illustration 2 0.49
Faramir, Steward of Gondor - Art Faramir, Intendant du Gondor - Illustration 2 0.20
Fell Beast of Mordor - Art 0 N/A
Fell Beast's Shriek - Art 0 N/A
Field of Ruin - Art Champ de ruine - Illustration 2 0.49
Fog on the Barrow-Downs - Art Brouillard sur les Hauts des Galgals - Illustration 1 0.49
Frodo Baggins - Art Frodo Sacquet - Illustration 6 0.25
Galadhrim Brigade - Art 0 N/A
Galadriel of Lothlórien - Art Galadriel de Lothlórien - Illustration 1 0.49
Galadriel's Dismissal - Art 0 N/A
Galadriel, Gift-Giver - Art Galadriel, donneuse de cadeaux - Illustration 2 0.49
Galadriel, Light of Valinor - Art 0 N/A
Gandalf of the Secret Fire - Art 0 N/A
Gandalf the Grey - Art Gandalf le Gris - Illustration 3 0.25
Gandalf the White - Art Gandalf le Blanc - Illustration 2 0.25
Gandalf, Friend of the Shire - Art Gandalf, ami de la Comté - Illustration 4 0.25
Generous Ent - Art Ent généreux - Illustration 3 0.49
Ghost Quarter - Art Quartier fantôme - Illustration 3 0.25
Gimli's Reckless Might - Art 0 N/A
Gimli, Counter of Kills - Art Gimli, compteur de morts - Illustration 6 0.25
Goldberry, River-Daughter - Art Baie d'Or, fille de la Rivière - Illustration 3 0.20
Gollum, Patient Plotter - Art Gollum, conspirateur patient - Illustration 3 0.20
Gríma, Saruman's Footman - Art Gríma, valet de pied de Saruman - Illustration 4 0.25
Gwaihir, Greatest of the Eagles - Art Gwaihir, le plus grand des aigles - Illustration 1 0.49
Heroic Intervention - Art Intervention héroïque - Illustration 2 0.59
Horn of Gondor - Art Cor du Gondor - Illustration 2 0.49
Isengard Unleashed - Art 0 N/A
Learn from the Past - Art Enseignements du passé - Illustration 4 0.25
Legolas's Quick Reflexes - Art 0 N/A
Legolas, Counter of Kills - Art Legolas, compteur de morts - Illustration 1 0.49
Legolas, Master Archer - Art Legolas, maître archer - Illustration 3 0.20
Lord of the Nazgûl - Art Seigneur des Nazgûl - Illustration 3 0.20
Marshal's Anthem - Art Antienne du maréchal - Illustration 3 0.20
Merry, Esquire of Rohan - Art Merry, écuyer du Rohan - Illustration 2 0.25
Merry, Warden of Isengard - Art Merry, garde d'Isengard - Illustration 2 0.25
Minas Morgul, Dark Fortress - Art 0 N/A
Minas Tirith - Art Minas Tirith - Illustration 2 0.49
Mines of Moria - Art Mines de la Moria - Illustration 3 0.20
Mirrormere Guardian - Art Vigile du Lac du Miroir - Illustration 1 0.49
Mists of Lórien - Art 0 N/A
Mordor on the March - Art 0 N/A
Mountain - Art Montagne - Illustration 3 0.20
Nazgûl - Art Nazgûl - Illustration 2 0.49
Nazgûl Battle-Mace - Art 0 N/A
Olórin's Searing Light - Art 0 N/A
Pippin, Guard of the Citadel - Art Pippin, garde de la Citadelle - Illustration 2 0.25
Pippin, Warden of Isengard - Art Pippin, garde d'Isengard - Illustration 1 0.49
Plains - Art Plaine - Illustration 2 0.49
Rally the Galadhrim - Art 0 N/A
Rammas Echor, Ancient Shield - Art 0 N/A
Realm Seekers - Art Chercheurs de royaume - Illustration 3 0.20
Rohirrim Chargers - Art 0 N/A
Sam, Loyal Attendant - Art Sam, serviteur loyal - Illustration 4 0.20
Samwise Gamgee - Art Samsagace Gamegie - Illustration 4 0.20
Samwise the Stouthearted - Art Samsagace l'Intrépide - Illustration 3 0.20
Saruman of Many Colors - Art Saruman le Multicolore - Illustration 2 0.20
Sauron, the Dark Lord - Art Sauron, le Seigneur ténébreux - Illustration 3 0.20
Sauron, the Necromancer - Art Sauron, le Nécromancien - Illustration 2 0.49
Shadow of the Enemy - Art Ombre de l'ennemi - Illustration 4 0.49
Sharkey, Tyrant of the Shire - Art Sharcoux, tyran de la Comté - Illustration 3 0.20
Shelob, Child of Ungoliant - Art Arachne, fille d'Ungoliant - Illustration 1 0.49
Sméagol, Helpful Guide - Art Sméagol, guide serviable - Illustration 2 0.20
Sol Ring - Art Anneau solaire - Illustration 2 0.49
Sorcerous Squall - Art 0 N/A
The Balrog, Durin's Bane - Art Le Balrog, Fléau de Durin - Illustration 3 0.20
The Dead Marshes - Art Les Marais des Morts - Illustration 1 0.49
The Mouth of Sauron - Art La Bouche de Sauron - Illustration 3 0.20
The Watcher in the Water - Art Le Guetteur de l'Eau - Illustration 3 0.20
Théoden, King of Rohan - Art Théoden, roi du Rohan - Illustration 3 0.25
Thrill of Possibility - Art Frisson de probabilité - Illustration 7 0.24
Tom Bombadil - Art Tom Bombadil - Illustration 2 0.20
Took Reaper - Art Faucheuse Touque - Illustration 5 0.20
Treebeard, Gracious Host - Art Sylvebarbe, hôte affable - Illustration 3 0.25
Treefolk - Art Sylvin - Illustration 2 0.20
Uglúk of the White Hand - Art Uglúk de la Main Blanche - Illustration 3 0.20
Valley of Gorgoroth - Art Vallée de Gorgoroth - Illustration 3 0.25
Witch-king of Angmar - Art Roi-sorcier d'Angmar - Illustration 3 0.25
Witch-king, Bringer of Ruin - Art Roi-sorcier, porteur de ruine - Illustration 4 0.49
Witch-king, Sky Scourge - Art 0 N/A