Cartes illustrées par Ben Maier
Liste classique VO | VF Liste visuelle VO | VF Illustrations
Adaptive Training Post 1 | Adaptive Training Post 2 | Human
Inspiring Captain
Twin-Silk Spider
Integrity / Intervention | Integrity / Intervention
Make Mischief | Slayer's Plate
Universal Automaton
Autograph Book 1 | Autograph Book 2 | Lineprancers 1 | Lineprancers 2 | Pin Collection 1 | Pin Collection 2 | Treasure 1
Twin-Silk Spider | Universal Automaton
Universal Automaton
Costly Plunder
Inspiring Captain
Costly Plunder | Distemper of the Blood | Ondu War Cleric | Universal Automaton
Fireborn Knight | Human
Inspiring Captain
Twin-Silk Spider | Universal Automaton
Inspiring Captain
Integrity / Intervention | Integrity / Intervention
Dire Fleet Poisoner
Costly Plunder | Siren's Ruse
Crook of Condemnation
Incendiary Sabotage
Distemper of the Blood | Make Mischief | Springsage Ritual
Ethereal Guidance | Inspiring Captain | Slayer's Plate
Ondu War Cleric | Stoneforge Masterwork
Dire Fleet Poisoner
Costly Plunder | Defiant Bloodlord
Dire Fleet Poisoner | Slayer's Plate | Stoneforge Masterwork