Cartes illustrées par Slawomir Maniak
Liste classique VO | VF Liste visuelle VO | VF Illustrations
Axebane Guardian | Become the Avalanche 1 | Become the Avalanche 2 | Despark | Disciple of Bolas | Stormbreath Dragon | Thundermane Dragon 1 | Thundermane Dragon 2
Cryptbreaker | Despark
Brightfield Mustang | Chitin Gravestalker
Geier Reach Bandit 1 | Geier Reach Bandit 2 | Spider | Vildin-Pack Alpha | Vildin-Pack Alpha
Abhorrent Overlord | Aqueous Form | Bassara Tower Archer | Fleecemane Lion | Humble Defector | Iroas, God of Victory | Radiant Flames | Sphere of Safety | Sphinx's Tutelage | Stormbreath Dragon
Falkenrath Noble | Ghastly | Goblin Goliath | Harvester of Souls | Legion | Raise the Alarm
Aurelia, the Warleader | Campus Guide | Savage Ventmaw
Falkenrath Noble | Sandwurm Convergence | Sphere of Safety | Spider | Tectonic Giant | Wurm
Insidious Fungus 1 | Rampaging Soulrager
Aqueous Form | Axebane Guardian | Bassara Tower Archer | Clever Impersonator | Falkenrath Noble | Fearless Skald | Goblin Goliath | Humble Defector | Iroas, God of Victory | Lash of Malice | Liesa, Shroud of Dusk | Reckless Rage | Traveling Minister
Bello, Bard of the Brambles 1 | Riot Control | Triskaidekaphile
Agate Assault
Sifter of Skulls
Signature Slam | Sowing Mycospawn 1
Stingerback Terror - Art 1 | Stingerback Terror - Art 2
Bounty: The Outsider | Humble Defector | Pyretic Charge 1 | Pyretic Charge 2
Stingerback Terror 1 | Stingerback Terror 2
Shadowblood Ridge 1 | Shadowblood Ridge 2 | Shadowblood Ridge 3 | Shadowblood Ridge 4
Amzu, Swarm's Hunger | Golgari Swarm
Culvert Ambusher 1
Arclight Phoenix 1 | Arclight Phoenix 2 | Arclight Phoenix 3 | Centaur | Drudge Beetle | Homing Lightning | Rakdos Firewheeler | Sphere of Safety | Sphinx's Revelation 1 | Sphinx's Revelation 2 | Sphinx's Revelation 3
Swooping Pteranodon 1 | Swooping Pteranodon 2
Falkenrath Noble | Zegana, Utopian Speaker
Queen's Bay Paladin 1 | Queen's Bay Paladin 2 | Volatile Wanderglyph
Atraxi Warden 1 | Atraxi Warden 2 | Hotel of Fears
Sandwurm Convergence | Spider | Titan's Presence | Urza's Ruinous Blast | Windrider Wizard | Wurm
Burning Sun's Fury - Art 1 | Burning Sun's Fury - Art 2 | Yargle and Multani - Art 1 | Yargle and Multani - Art 2
Aurelia, the Warleader 2 | Lurrus of the Dream-Den 2
Bloodline Pretender | Despark | Devouring Light
Burning Sun's Fury | Fearless Skald | Seedpod Caretaker | Yargle and Multani 1
Bloodflow Connoisseur | Diregraf Captain | Falkenrath Noble | Hollowhenge Scavenger | Skirsdag Cultist
Geier Reach Bandit | Jace's Scrutiny | Sage of Ancient Lore | Ulrich of the Krallenhorde | Ulrich, Uncontested Alpha | Vildin-Pack Alpha | Werewolf of Ancient Hunger
Skyhunter Strike Force - Art 1 | Skyhunter Strike Force - Art 2
Skyhunter Strike Force 1 | Skyhunter Strike Force 2
Flametongue Kavu 1 | Flametongue Kavu 2 | Lightning Reflexes | Skirk Prospector | Undead Gladiator 1 | Undead Gladiator 2
Clever Impersonator
Devouring Light | Diregraf Captain | Savage Ventmaw | Skycat Sovereign | Sphinx's Revelation | Tectonic Giant
Bloodline Pretender | Campus Guide | Cavalry Drillmaster | Devouring Light | Divine Arrow | Drudge Beetle | Falkenrath Noble | Jace's Scrutiny | Raking Claws | River Sneak | Rummaging Goblin | Stalking Drone | Titan's Presence | Vault Robber
Autonomous Assembler - Art 1 | Autonomous Assembler - Art 2
Despark | Urza's Ruinous Blast
Autonomous Assembler 1 | Autonomous Assembler 2 | Calamity's Wake | Symmetry Matrix
Flametongue Kavu
Acolyte Hybrid | Cultivate | Marneus Calgar 1 | Marneus Calgar 2 | Tyranid 1
Bear | Nethroi, Apex of Death | Radiant Flames | Urza's Ruinous Blast
Aurelia, the Warleader 1 | Aurelia, the Warleader 2 | Bloodflow Connoisseur | Prophetic Bolt | Spider
A-Baba Lysaga, Night Witch | Baba Lysaga, Night Witch
Baba Lysaga, Night Witch 1 | Baba Lysaga, Night Witch 3 | Despark | Halsin, Emerald Archdruid 1 | Halsin, Emerald Archdruid 3 | Sandwurm Convergence | Spider | Tectonic Giant | Wurm | Zellix, Sanity Flayer 1 | Zellix, Sanity Flayer 2
Disciple of Bolas | Sandwurm Convergence | Skyship Plunderer | Wurm
Citizen's Crowbar | Demon's Due
Bird Admirer | Brood Weaver | Dig Up | Sigardian Paladin | Traveling Minister | Triskaidekaphile | Wing Shredder
A-Demon's Due | A-Sigardian Paladin
Experimental Pilot | Rampaging Ursaguana
Traveling Minister - Art 1 | Traveling Minister - Art 2
Falkenrath Noble
Dig Up 1 | Dig Up 2 | Hauken's Insight 3 | Jacob Hauken, Inspector 3 | Sigardian Paladin | Traveling Minister
Lurrus of the Dream-Den
Wing Shredder - Art 1 | Wing Shredder - Art 2
Centaur | Diregraf Captain
Bird Admirer 1 | Brood Weaver | Spider | Triskaidekaphile 1 | Triskaidekaphile 2 | Wing Shredder 1
Boneyard Aberration | Devouring Light | Manor Guardian | Prophetic Titan | Selfless Cathar
Prophetic Bolt
Despark | Fleecemane Lion | Savage Ventmaw | Tectonic Giant
Wight 1
Prophetic Titan 1 | Prophetic Titan 2
Torrent Sculptor - Art 1 | Torrent Sculptor - Art 2
Humble Defector
Campus Guide | Expanded Anatomy | Flamethrower Sonata 1 | Flamethrower Sonata 2 | Lash of Malice | Torrent Sculptor 1 | Torrent Sculptor 2
Harvester of Souls
Adorned Pouncer
Vault Robber - Art 1 | Vault Robber - Art 2
Bear | Bloodline Pretender | Goldmaw Champion | Magda, Brazen Outlaw 1 | Smashing Success | Vault Robber
Aqueous Form | First Response | Humble Defector 1 | Humble Defector 2 | Liesa, Shroud of Dusk 1 | Liesa, Shroud of Dusk 2 | Monstrous Onslaught | Whelming Wave
Electrostatic Pummeler | Monstrous Onslaught | Nimble Innovator | Shrewd Negotiation | Skyship Plunderer | Speedway Fanatic
Swamp - Art 3 | Swamp - Art 4
Ajani's Last Stand | Angrath, Captain of Chaos | Curse of Echoes | Dig Up | Diregraf Captain | Electrostatic Pummeler | Sphinx's Revelation | Stasis Snare | Urza's Ruinous Blast | Warchief Giant
Deliberate | Relic Robber 1 | Relic Robber 2 | Swamp 2 | Windrider Wizard
Sandwurm Convergence
Disciple of Bolas
Falkenrath Noble | Flametongue Kavu | Harvester of Souls | Homing Lightning | Lightning Shrieker | Whelming Wave
Sporeweb Weaver 1 | Sporeweb Weaver 2
Despark | Disciple of Bolas | Humble Defector | Prophetic Bolt | Vastwood Hydra | Vorapede
Divine Arrow | Huntmaster Liger 3 | Lurrus of the Dream-Den 1 | Lurrus of the Dream-Den 2 | Nethroi, Apex of Death 1 | Raking Claws | Skycat Sovereign 1 | Skycat Sovereign 2
Tectonic Giant 1 | Tectonic Giant 2
Angrath, Captain of Chaos | Diregraf Captain
Tattered Mummy
Adorned Pouncer | Archetype of Endurance | Augur of Bolas | Bitterblade Warrior | Bring Low | Cancel | Crowd's Favor | Fire Elemental | Flametongue Kavu | Lightning Shrieker | Pierce the Sky | Raptor Companion | Rummaging Goblin | Screamreach Brawler | Skirk Commando | Skirk Prospector | Sphinx's Tutelage | Tithe Drinker | Whelming Wave
Centaur | Clever Impersonator | Icefeather Aven
Angrath, Captain of Chaos | Despark | Ignite the Beacon
Sphinx's Revelation
Rafter Demon | Rakdos Firewheeler | Zegana, Utopian Speaker
Bloodflow Connoisseur | Unstable Mutation
Goblin Goliath | Tattered Mummy
Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker
Arclight Phoenix
Gyrus, Waker of Corpses | Silent Sentinel
Ajani's Last Stand | Avatar | Cavalry Drillmaster | Fire Elemental | Tattered Mummy
Blue Elemental Blast
Raptor Companion | Savage Ventmaw
Flametongue Kavu | Warchief Giant
Pierce the Sky | Skirk Prospector
Humble Defector | Skirk Commando | Undead Gladiator
Admiral's Order | Divine Verdict | Raptor Companion | Reckless Rage
Merfolk Sovereign
Tidal Courier
Deeproot Warrior | Raptor Companion | River Sneak | Rummaging Goblin
Kokusho, the Evening Star
Falkenrath Noble | Fleecemane Lion | Palace Siege | Savage Ventmaw | Tithe Drinker
Adorned Pouncer | Adorned Pouncer Token | Angel of Condemnation
Flametongue Kavu | Harvester of Souls
Bitterblade Warrior | Sandwurm Convergence | Tattered Mummy | Wurm
Augur of Bolas | Centaur | Falkenrath Noble | Skirsdag Cultist | Sphinx's Revelation
Gremlin Infestation | Monstrous Onslaught | Skyship Plunderer
Humble Defector | Iroas, God of Victory | Sphere of Safety
Duplicant | Lightning Greaves | Lotus Petal
Electrostatic Pummeler | Nimble Innovator | Shrewd Negotiation | Speedway Fanatic
Harvester of Souls
Kessig Prowler | Sinuous Predator | Ulrich of the Krallenhorde | Ulrich, Uncontested Alpha
Geier Reach Bandit | Jace's Scrutiny | Sage of Ancient Lore | Vildin-Pack Alpha | Werewolf of Ancient Hunger
Diregraf Captain | Falkenrath Noble | Harvester of Souls
Cultivator Drone | Dread Defiler | Flaying Tendrils | Sifter of Skulls | Stalking Drone
Prophetic Bolt | Silent Sentinel | Warchief Giant
Conduit of Ruin | Radiant Flames | Ruin Processor | Salvage Drone | Titan's Presence
Aurelia, the Warleader
Sphinx's Tutelage
Savage Ventmaw | Screamreach Brawler
Whelming Wave
Arcbond | Humble Defector | Lightning Shrieker | Palace Siege
Disciple of Bolas | Flametongue Kavu
Bring Low | Cancel | Clever Impersonator | Debilitating Injury | Howl of the Horde | Icefeather Aven | Kheru Spellsnatcher 2
Crowd's Favor | Devouring Light | First Response | Kurkesh, Onakke Ancient | Paragon of Fierce Defiance | Selfless Cathar
Flametongue Kavu | Prophetic Bolt
Armament of Nyx | Bassara Tower Archer | Iroas, God of Victory | Mortal Obstinacy | Silence the Believers | Wildfire Cerberus
Acolyte's Reward | Archetype of Endurance | Silent Sentinel | Swordwise Centaur | Whelming Wave
Augur of Bolas
Abhorrent Overlord | Aqueous Form | Ember Swallower | Fleecemane Lion | Stormbreath Dragon
Battle Sliver | Vastwood Hydra
Punish the Enemy | Riot Control | Tithe Drinker
Skirsdag Cultist
Aurelia, the Warleader | Duskmantle Guildmage | Furious Resistance | Homing Lightning | Realmwright
Axebane Guardian | Centaur | Drudge Beetle | Sluiceway Scorpion | Sphere of Safety | Sphinx's Revelation | Viashino Racketeer
Prophetic Bolt
Augur of Bolas | Disciple of Bolas | Fire Elemental | Mindclaw Shaman
Bloodflow Connoisseur | Eaten by Spiders | Harvester of Souls | Raging Poltergeist | Wild Defiance
Curse of Echoes | Curse of Exhaustion | Diregraf Captain | Elgaud Inquisitor | Gravetiller Wurm | Vorapede
Falkenrath Noble | Hollowhenge Scavenger | Memory's Journey | Screeching Bat | Selfless Cathar | Skirsdag Cultist | Stalking Vampire
Flametongue Kavu
Admiral's Order | Arclight Phoenix | Autonomous Assembler | Clever Impersonator | Dig Up | Lurrus of the Dream-Den | Magda, Brazen Outlaw | Nethroi, Apex of Death | Queen's Bay Paladin | Relic Robber | Skycat Sovereign | Sporeweb Weaver | Stingerback Terror | Tectonic Giant | Triskaidekaphile | Wight | Yargle and Multani
Archfiend of Ifnir | Barrage Tyrant | Courser of Kruphix | Death Baron | Debilitating Injury | Dromoka, the Eternal | Silvergill Adept | Stasis Snare
Admiral's Order | Adorned Pouncer | Ajani's Last Stand | Angel of Condemnation | Angrath, Captain of Chaos | Arcbond | Arclight Phoenix | Autonomous Assembler | Baba Lysaga, Night Witch | Conduit of Ruin | Dig Up | Electrostatic Pummeler | Flamethrower Sonata | Geier Reach Bandit | Ignite the Beacon | Lurrus of the Dream-Den | Magda, Brazen Outlaw | Nethroi, Apex of Death | Queen's Bay Paladin | Radiant Flames | Relic Robber | Sage of Ancient Lore | Sandwurm Convergence | Sifter of Skulls | Skycat Sovereign | Sowing Mycospawn | Sporeweb Weaver | Stingerback Terror | Tectonic Giant | Torrent Sculptor | Triskaidekaphile | Ulrich of the Krallenhorde | Ulrich, Uncontested Alpha | Vildin-Pack Alpha | Werewolf of Ancient Hunger | Wight | Yargle and Multani | Zegana, Utopian Speaker
Incendiary Flow