Cartes illustrées par Brandon Kitkouski
Liste classique VO | VF Liste visuelle VO | VF Illustrations
Cascade Bluffs
Spiteful Visions
Presence of Gond
Cascade Bluffs
Cascade Bluffs
Cascade Bluffs
Farhaven Elf | Presence of Gond | Spiteful Visions
Presence of Gond
Glimpse the Unthinkable
Glimpse the Unthinkable 1 | Glimpse the Unthinkable 3 | Hissing Iguanar
Cascade Bluffs
Bonded Fetch | Lost Auramancers | Stronghold Rats
Farhaven Elf
Farhaven Elf
Cascade Bluffs | Toxic Iguanar
Rites of Flourishing
Cascade Bluffs
Presence of Gond
Farhaven Elf
Absorb Vis | Oracle of Nectars
Canker Abomination | Elemental
Glimpse the Unthinkable
Farhaven Elf
Regal Force
Cascade Bluffs | Presence of Gond
Glimpse the Unthinkable
Farhaven Elf | Presence of Gond
Goblin | Hissing Iguanar | Thunder-Thrash Elder
Morphic Tide
Rites of Flourishing
Absorb Vis
Regal Force
Emberwilde Augur
Farhaven Elf
Mass Calcify
Necromantic Thirst
Farhaven Elf | Jund Charm | Obelisk of Jund | Presence of Gond | Spiteful Visions
Absorb Vis | Elemental
Absorb Vis
Hissing Iguanar | Thunder-Thrash Elder
Morphic Tide
Rites of Flourishing
Farhaven Elf | Mass Calcify
Mountain 9
Stormcaller's Boon
Absorb Vis | Maniacal Rage | Toxic Iguanar
Goblin | Hissing Iguanar | Jund Charm | Obelisk of Jund | Thunder-Thrash Elder
Canker Abomination | Cascade Bluffs | Cauldron Haze | Regal Force
Farhaven Elf | Gravelgill Duo | Island 3 | Mass Calcify | Moonring Island | Mountain 2 | Oracle of Nectars | Presence of Gond | Spiteful Visions
Emberwilde Augur
Bonded Fetch | Emberwilde Augur | Festering March | Lost Auramancers | Rites of Flourishing | Stronghold Rats
Guardian's Magemark 1 | Guardian's Magemark 2 | Infiltrator's Magemark 1 | Infiltrator's Magemark 2 | Necromantic Thirst
Beastmaster's Magemark | Fencer's Magemark | Guardian's Magemark | Infiltrator's Magemark | Necromancer's Magemark
Glimpse the Unthinkable | Necromantic Thirst
Selkie Hedge-Mage