Cartes illustrées par Wayne Reynolds
Liste classique VO | VF Liste visuelle VO | VF Illustrations
Wall of Reverence
Redshift, Rocketeer Chief - Art 1 | Redshift, Rocketeer Chief - Art 2
Redshift, Rocketeer Chief 1 | Redshift, Rocketeer Chief 3
Bane of Hanweir | Fiend Hunter 1 | Fiend Hunter 2 | Hamlet Captain 1 | Hamlet Captain 2 | Hanweir Watchkeep
Dreadbore | Nivix Cyclops | Silence
Fanatical Firebrand | Goblin Arsonist | Overwhelm | Savage Stomp | Time to Feed
Fanatical Firebrand | Kindled Fury | Mindsparker | Searslicer Goblin 1 | Searslicer Goblin 4
Bookwurm | Brute Force | Dreampod Druid | Hostage Taker | Mad Auntie | Marsh Flitter | Stingscourger
Cindering Cutthroat - Art 1 | Cindering Cutthroat - Art 2
Cindering Cutthroat
Loan Shark - Art 1 | Loan Shark - Art 2
Hostage Taker | Jungle Shrine | Perennial Behemoth
Loan Shark
Azorius Arrester | Firemane Avenger | Rakdos Shred-Freak
Jungle Shrine | Vow of Duty
Conspiracy Unraveler 1
Azorius Arrester | Dreadbore 1 | Dreadbore 2 | Dreadbore 3 | Overwhelm
Hostage Taker | Savage Stomp
Bladewheel Chariot | Spring-Loaded Sawblades
Discerning Financier - Art 1 | Discerning Financier - Art 2
Ajani's Chosen
Discerning Financier
Ashling the Pilgrim 1 | Ashling the Pilgrim 2 | Champion of the Flame | Jungle Shrine | Return to Dust 1 | Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker 1
Wild Nacatl
Death-Rattle Oni 1 | Death-Rattle Oni 3
Fertilid | Jungle Shrine | Return to Dust
Inga and Esika 1
Fiend Hunter
Hamlet Captain
Dark Withering 1 | Dark Withering 2
Vow of Duty
Arms Dealer | Fanatical Firebrand | Ib Halfheart, Goblin Tactician
Tempered Steel
Goring Warplow | Perennial Behemoth 1 | Perennial Behemoth 2
Vow of Duty
Ashling the Pilgrim | Jungle Shrine
Bortuk Bonerattle 1
Hostage Taker 1 | Hostage Taker 2 | Oona's Prowler 1 | Oona's Prowler 2 | Pirate's Pillage | Tariel, Reckoner of Souls 1 | Tariel, Reckoner of Souls 2
Gut, Bestial Fanatic | Gut, Brutal Fanatic | Gut, Devious Fanatic | Gut, Fanatical Priestess | Gut, Furious Fanatic | Gut, Zealous Fanatic
Goblin | Goblin Spymaster | Gut, True Soul Zealot 1 | Gut, True Soul Zealot 3
Jungle Shrine
Ambitious Assault
Estwald Shieldbasher
A-Bruenor Battlehammer
Patchplate Resolute
Estwald Shieldbasher - Art 1 | Estwald Shieldbasher - Art 2
Donal, Herald of Wings 1 | Donal, Herald of Wings 2
Estwald Shieldbasher
Return to Dust
Facevaulter | Mad Prophet | Marrow-Gnawer
Lair of the Hydra - Art 1 | Lair of the Hydra - Art 2
Hostage Taker
Bruenor Battlehammer 1 | Lair of the Hydra 2
Bookwurm - Art 1 | Bookwurm - Art 2
Return to Dust | Vow of Duty
Bookwurm | Explore the Vastlands 1 | Explore the Vastlands 2 | Wandering Archaic 1 | Wandering Archaic 2
Brute Force | Dark Withering | Feather, the Redeemed | Return to Dust | Silence | Stingscourger | Stormfront Riders
Return to Dust
Scorn Effigy
Champion of the Flame | Fertilid | Return to Dust 1 | Return to Dust 2 | Return to Dust 3 | Soul's Fire | Vow of Duty
Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate - Art 1 | Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate - Art 2
Bruenor Battlehammer | Ib Halfheart, Goblin Tactician | Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni | Jungle Shrine | Leaf-Crowned Elder | Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate | Mizzium Tank | Ol' Buzzbark | Silence
Jungle Shrine | Marsh Flitter
Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate 1 | Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate 2
Blightsteel Colossus 2 | Hinder | Tempered Steel
Ajani's Chosen | Fanatical Firebrand | Fertilid | Inspired Charge | Predatory | Savage Stomp | Time to Feed | Waterknot
Goblin Arsonist
Tempered Steel
Balthor the Defiled | Depala, Pilot Exemplar | Ponder | Sram, Senior Edificer | Torbran, Thane of Red Fell | Torbran, Thane of Red Fell
Kinsbaile Cavalier
Brute Strength
Armadillo Cloak | Brute Strength | Dark Withering | Embodiment of Spring | Epic Confrontation | Fiend Hunter | Gorehorn Minotaurs | Hamlet Captain | Inspired Charge | Jungle Shrine | Kor Hookmaster | Marrow-Gnawer | Phantasmal Dragon | Shipwreck Looter | Skyspear Cavalry | Terminate | Time to Feed | Wild Nacatl | Woolly Thoctar
Dark Withering | Jungle Shrine
Inspired Charge | Oakenform | Voracious Hydra
Alpine Guide
Feather, the Redeemed | Mizzium Tank
Bat | Dreadbore | Rakdos Shred-Freak | Skeletal Vampire
Zhur-Taa Goblin
Desperate Ritual | Fiend Hunter | Rakdos Shred-Freak | Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker | Skyspear Cavalry | Soul's Fire | Wall of Reverence
Firemane Avenger
Piston-Fist Cyclops
Ajani's Chosen | Return to Dust
Bat | Inspired Charge | Oakenform | Waterknot
Fertilid | Thunder Strike
Champion of the Flame | Llanowar Scout
Epic Confrontation | Fiend Hunter | Goblin War Drums
Fanatical Firebrand | Pirate's Pillage | Waterknot
Hammer Jammer | Joyride Rigger | Ol' Buzzbark
Vow of Duty
Brute Strength
Hostage Taker | Savage Stomp | Shipwreck Looter
Bat | Jungle Shrine | Return to Dust | Skeletal Vampire
Dreadbore | Fertilid | Gorehorn Minotaurs
Fiend Hunter | Return to Dust | Tariel, Reckoner of Souls | Terminate | Vow of Duty
Desperate Ritual | Gorehorn Minotaurs | Nivix Cyclops | Zo-Zu the Punisher
Jungle Shrine | Kor Hookmaster | Woolly Thoctar
Dowsing Shaman | Dreampod Druid | Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni
Goblin | Goblin Spymaster | Jungle Shrine | Terminate | Trial / Error | Trial / Error
Hamlet Captain
Armadillo Cloak | Kor Hookmaster | Stingscourger | Ticking Gnomes
Avacynian Missionaries | Furtive Homunculus | Lunarch Inquisitors
Fiend Hunter
Brute Strength | Goblin Freerunner
Ajani's Chosen | Vow of Duty
Frontier Guide
Tariel, Reckoner of Souls
Brute Force | Conclave Phalanx | Gorehorn Minotaurs | Overwhelm
Epic Confrontation
Time to Feed
Vaultbreaker | Will of the Naga
Bat | Ib Halfheart, Goblin Tactician | Skeletal Vampire
Return to Dust | Xathrid Demon
Archers' Parapet | Blinding Spray | Embodiment of Spring | Raiders' Spoils | Throttle | Zombie
Kor Hookmaster
Inspired Charge | Overwhelm
Armadillo Cloak | Dreampod Druid
Vow of Duty
Skyspear Cavalry
Phantasmal Dragon
Minotaur Goreseeker
Fiend Hunter | Jungle Shrine | Wall of Reverence
Deathbellow Raider | Time to Feed
Gorehorn Minotaurs
Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni
Ajani's Chosen | Mindsparker | Silence | Thunder Strike
Bat | Brute Force | Facevaulter | Mad Auntie | Marsh Flitter | Skeletal Vampire | Stingscourger | Warren Pilferers
Nivix Cyclops
Fiend Hunter | Goblin Arsonist | Mad Prophet | Terminate
Firemane Avenger
Azorius Arrester | Dreadbore | Inaction Injunction | Rakdos Shred-Freak
Arms Dealer | Blood Reckoning | Goblin Arsonist | Kindled Fury
Dowsing Shaman | Dreampod Druid | Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni
Mad Prophet
Bane of Hanweir | Fiend Hunter | Hamlet Captain | Hanweir Watchkeep
Jungle Shrine | Wild Nacatl | Woolly Thoctar
Rafiq of the Many
Aven Fleetwing | Goblin Arsonist | Goblin Bangchuckers | Gorehorn Minotaurs | Phantasmal Dragon
Fertilid | Return to Dust | Tariel, Reckoner of Souls | Terminate | Vow of Duty
Vulshok Refugee
Bogardan Hellkite | Kinsbaile Cavalier | Knight of the Reliquary
Koth's Courier
Terminate | Woolly Thoctar
Sudden Impact
Tempered Steel
Conclave Phalanx | Kor Hookmaster | Stormfront Riders
Inspired Charge | Silence | Thunder Strike
Fertilid | Terminate
Feed the Machine | I Bask in Your Silent Awe | I Delight in Your Convulsions
Goblin Arsonist | Nema Siltlurker
Armadillo Cloak
Cunning Sparkmage | Harabaz Druid | Spell Contortion
Skeletal Vampire
Frontier Guide | Kor Hookmaster | Turntimber Ranger
Kindled Fury | Oakenform | Silence | Xathrid Demon
Madrush Cyclops | Terminate
Cliffrunner Behemoth | Wall of Reverence
Ajani Vengeant | Gustrider Exuberant | Jungle Shrine | Sacellum Godspeaker | Soul's Fire | Wild Nacatl | Woolly Thoctar
Ashling, the Extinguisher | Primalcrux
Boldwyr Heavyweights | Fertilid | Final-Sting Faerie | Kinsbaile Cavalier | Leaf-Crowned Elder
Ib Halfheart, Goblin Tactician
Ashling the Pilgrim | Auntie's Hovel | Facevaulter | Goldmeadow Stalwart | Mad Auntie | Marsh Flitter | Mountain 3 | Nath's Elite | Oona's Prowler | Swamp 3 | Thoughtweft Trio | Warren Pilferers
Sudden Impact
Brute Force | Magus of the Library | Stingscourger | Stormfront Riders | Volcano Hellion
Dark Withering | Ib Halfheart, Goblin Tactician | Return to Dust | Spirit Loop | Weathered Bodyguards
Hinder | Marrow-Gnawer | Overwhelm
Cover of Winter | Ohran Yeti
Nettling Curse | Nihilistic Glee | Trial / Error | Trial / Error
Skeletal Vampire | Wreak Havoc
Conclave Phalanx | Doubling Season | Dowsing Shaman | Guardian of Vitu-Ghazi | Overwhelm | Vindictive Mob
Crack the Earth | Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni | Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker | Twist Allegiance
Ashen-Skin Zubera | Call to Glory | Hinder | Marrow-Gnawer | Soulblast | Tide of War | Unnatural Speed
Conspiracy Unraveler | Feather, the Redeemed | Inga and Esika | Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate | Mizzium Tank | Perennial Behemoth | Redshift, Rocketeer Chief | Voracious Hydra
Bat | Hostage Taker
Skeletal Vampire
Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh | Chandra, Roaring Flame | Cunning Sparkmage | Gideon, Battle-Forged | Jace, Telepath Unbound | Jace, Vryn's Prodigy | Kytheon, Hero of Akros | Liliana, Defiant Necromancer | Liliana, Heretical Healer | Nissa, Sage Animist | Nissa, Vastwood Seer | Phantasmal Dragon
Mad Auntie
Ancient Hellkite | Conspiracy Unraveler | Explore the Vastlands | Feather, the Redeemed | Hostage Taker | Inga and Esika | Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate | Mizzium Tank | Perennial Behemoth | Redshift, Rocketeer Chief | Searslicer Goblin | Voracious Hydra | Wandering Archaic