Cartes illustrées par Cyril Van Der Haegen
Liste classique VO | VF Liste visuelle VO | VF Illustrations
Sigil of the Empty Throne
Angel | Elemental | Sigil of the Empty Throne
Eidolon of the Great Revel
Jwar Isle Refuge
Kitesail | Sigil of the Empty Throne
Maelstrom Archangel
Elemental Mastery
Traumatic Visions
Knight of Sursi | Sigil of the Empty Throne
Eidolon of the Great Revel | Joraga Treespeaker
Jwar Isle Refuge
Ravenous Trap | Vexing Shusher
Maelstrom Archangel | Rogue's Gloves
Sigil of the Empty Throne
Braid of Fire | Maelstrom Archangel | Ravenous Trap | Street Wraith
Circu, Dimir Lobotomist
Jwar Isle Refuge | Sigil of the Empty Throne
Rogue's Gloves
Jwar Isle Refuge
Eidolon of the Great Revel | Street Wraith
Jwar Isle Refuge
Angel | Jwar Isle Refuge | Sigil of the Empty Throne
Civic Wayfinder
Kitesail | Traumatic Visions
Civic Wayfinder
Angel | Sigil of the Empty Throne
Angel | Sigil of the Empty Throne
Ghostfire Blade
Traumatic Visions
Rogue's Gloves
Impulsive Return
Agent of Erebos | Eidolon of the Great Revel | Golden Hind
Summoner's Bane
Refreshing Elixir
Jwar Isle Refuge | Tidehollow Strix
Street Wraith | Traumatic Visions
Jwar Isle Refuge | Sigil of the Empty Throne
Jwar Isle Refuge | Whirlpool Whelm
Civic Wayfinder | Tidehollow Strix
Pale Recluse
Civic Wayfinder
Joraga Treespeaker | Smite
Hada Freeblade | Kitesail | Snapping Creeper
Illusion | Jwar Isle Refuge | Quest for Pure Flame | Ravenous Trap | Summoner's Bane
Sage Owl
Lightning Reaver | Pale Recluse | Sangrite Backlash
Angel | Maelstrom Archangel | Sigil of the Empty Throne | Traumatic Visions
Thoughtcutter Agent | Tidehollow Strix
Elemental | Elemental Mastery | Merrow Grimeblotter | Vexing Shusher
Springleaf Drum | Whirlpool Whelm
Civic Wayfinder | Saproling
Ghostfire | Knight of Sursi | Street Wraith | Whetwheel
Boreal Griffin | Braid of Fire
Circu, Dimir Lobotomist | Civic Wayfinder | Grozoth
Spinal Parasite
Ghostfire Blade
Hada Freeblade
Vexing Shusher