Cartes illustrées par Filipe Pagliuso
Liste classique VO | VF Liste visuelle VO | VF Illustrations
Redoubled Stormsinger 1 | Redoubled Stormsinger 2 | Shiny Impetus
Ainok Wayfarer | Fire-Rim Form | Frontline Rush | Wild Ride
Goblin Boarders - Art 1 | Goblin Boarders - Art 2 | Preposterous Proportions - Art 1 | Preposterous Proportions - Art 2
Destructive Digger | Killing Glare
Eager Trufflesnout | Goblin Boarders | Homunculus Horde 2 | Homunculus Horde 3 | Preposterous Proportions 2 | Preposterous Proportions 3 | Revenge of the Rats
Black Market Connections 1 | Black Market Connections 2 | Black Market Connections 3 | Chain Assassination 1 | Chain Assassination 2 | Island 2 | Shapeshifter Token
Rampant Frogantua - Art 1 | Rampant Frogantua - Art 2
Rampant Frogantua 1 | Rampant Frogantua 2 | Tarmogoyf Nest 1 | Tarmogoyf Nest 2
Aether Revolt 1 | Aether Revolt 2 | Inventor's Axe | Strix Serenade 1
Gleaming Geardrake 1 | Gleaming Geardrake 3
Amy's Home | Flatline 1 | Flatline 2 | Flatline 3 | Flatline 4 | Rassilon, the War President 1 | Rassilon, the War President 2 | Rassilon, the War President 3 | Rassilon, the War President 4
Ox Drover 1 | Ox Drover 2
Food Fight 1 | Food Fight 2
Círdan the Shipwright 1 | Círdan the Shipwright 2 | Círdan the Shipwright 3 | Forth Eorlingas! 1 | Forth Eorlingas! 2 | Forth Eorlingas! 3
Kami of Whispered Hopes 1 | Kami of Whispered Hopes 2
Compleat Devotion
Hermetic Study
Kibo, Uktabi Prince 2
Clay Revenant | Fallaji Chaindancer
Exotic Orchard | Harrow
Grabby Tabby 1 | Grabby Tabby 2 | Rat in the Hat 1 | Rat in the Hat 2 | Scooch 1 | Scooch 2
Ranger Squadron
Shiny Impetus | Tabaxi Toucaneers
Mezzio Mugger 1 | Mezzio Mugger 2
Gregor, Shrewd Magistrate
Crucias, Titan of the Waves
Approach of the Second Sun | Buried Alive | Wastes
Food Fight | Mezzio Mugger
Winged Boots
Aether Revolt | Food Fight | Strix Serenade