Cartes illustrées par Daren Bader
Liste classique VO | VF Liste visuelle VO | VF Illustrations
Twisted Abomination
Bleachbone Verge 2 | Pothole Mole | Unswerving Sloth | Winter, Cursed Rider 1 | Winter, Cursed Rider 3
Verdeloth the Ancient
Whispersilk Cloak
Avenging Druid | Condemn | Flowstone Hellion | Kami of False Hope | Legacy's Allure | Legerdemain | Manabond | Nantuko Elder | Oath of Druids | Oathsworn Giant | One with Nature | Restock | Seeker of Skybreak | Serra Sphinx | Silvergill Douser | Spirit en-Dal | Twisted Abomination | Velukan Dragon | Zephid's Embrace
Kindlespark Duo | Thornplate Intimidator
Nadu, Winged Wisdom - Art 1 | Nadu, Winged Wisdom - Art 2
Eldrazi Repurposer | Nadu, Winged Wisdom 1 | Nadu, Winged Wisdom 3 | Plant 1 | Plant 2
Deep Analysis
Akroma, Angel of Fury | Deep Analysis
Neighborhood Guardian 1
Condemn 1 | Condemn 2 | Woebringer Demon
Grim Giganotosaurus 1 | Grim Giganotosaurus 2 | Indoraptor, the Perfect Hybrid 1 | Indoraptor, the Perfect Hybrid 2
Puppeteer Clique
Finale of Devastation - Art 1 | Finale of Devastation - Art 2 | Obscuring Haze - Art 1 | Obscuring Haze - Art 2
Finale of Devastation 3 | Kor Soldier | Obscuring Haze 3 | Twisted Abomination | Verdeloth the Ancient
Karn, Legacy Reforged 2 | Open the Way 2
Tamiyo's Immobilizer
Battlefield Scrounger | Cat | Faceless Butcher | Gamble 3 | Hunting Grounds 3 | Last Chance 3 | Macetail Hystrodon | Ridgetop Raptor
Condemn | Molten Slagheap
Coalhauler Swine | Talon of Pain
Day of Destiny
Death Kiss - Art 1 | Death Kiss - Art 2 | Death Kiss - Stats
Death Kiss 1 | Death Kiss 2 | Eight-and-a-Half-Tails | Puppeteer Clique
Plant | Puppeteer Clique
A-Nadu, Winged Wisdom
Bail Out
Akroma, Angel of Fury | Clockwork Hydra | Molten Slagheap | Nantuko Shaman | Riddle of Lightning
Brass Herald | Condemn | Plant
Belfry Spirit | Cavern Harpy | Ceremonial Guard | Mouth of Ronom | Pouncing Jaguar | Seshiro the Anointed | Shivan Harvest | Sleeping Potion | Veteran of the Depths | Whispersilk Cloak
Plant | Serra Sphinx | Twisted Abomination
Phyrexian Broodlings
Treasure Hunt
Allosaurus Rider | Charging Rhino | Nezumi Shortfang | Ogre Gatecrasher | Thrive | Tidal Warrior | Treasure Hunt | Whispersilk Cloak | Wing Shards
Wing Shards
Belfry Spirit
Plant | Treasure Hunt
Charging Rhino
Jareth, Leonine Titan
Mystic Snake | Twisted Abomination | Wolf
Tidal Warrior
Nantuko Shaman | Wing Shards
Condemn | Jareth, Leonine Titan | Puppeteer Clique | Wing Shards
Akroma, Angel of Fury | Molten Slagheap | Oros, the Avenger | Wolf
Wing Snare
Plant | Whispersilk Cloak
Oath of Druids | Whispersilk Cloak
Argothian Enchantress | Crater Hellion | Eight-and-a-Half-Tails | Jareth, Leonine Titan | Monk Idealist | Twisted Abomination
Jareth, Leonine Titan | Monk Idealist | Mystic Snake
Mystic Snake | Puppeteer Clique | Thrive | Wolf
Legacy's Allure | Legerdemain | Mirri, Cat Warrior | Oath of Druids | Sarcomancy | Smite | Spitting Hydra | Standing Troops | Thalakos Scout | Volrath's Curse
Allosaurus Rider | Flamekin Brawler | Spire Golem | Twisted Abomination
Condemn | Kor Soldier | Wing Shards | Wolf
Charging Rhino | Restock
Crater Hellion | Deep Analysis | Flowstone Hellion | Jareth, Leonine Titan | Oath of Druids | Sarcomancy
Charging Rhino | Twisted Abomination
Vitality Salve
Crater Hellion | Deep Analysis | Molten Slagheap
Condemn | Crater Hellion
Nantuko Shaman | Verdeloth the Ancient
Whispersilk Cloak
Faceless Butcher | Twisted Abomination
Akroma, Angel of Fury | Molten Slagheap | Monk Realist | Oros, the Avenger
Condemn | Flamekin Brawler | Goblin Sky Raider | Mirri, Cat Warrior
Clockwork Hydra
Condemn | Whispersilk Cloak
Twisted Abomination | Verdeloth the Ancient
Goblin Sky Raider
Phyrexian Broodlings | Whispersilk Cloak
Plant | Scrib Nibblers | Treasure Hunt
Twisted Abomination
Hagra Crocodile | Kor Soldier | Primal Bellow | Wolf
Emerald Oryx | Whispersilk Cloak
Flamekin Brawler | Spire Golem
Barrenton Cragtreads | Lockjaw Snapper | Puppeteer Clique | Raven's Run Dragoon
Burrenton Shield-Bearers | Cloak and Dagger
Allosaurus Rider
Flamekin Brawler | Silvergill Douser | Veteran of the Depths
Condemn | Goblin Sky Raider | Luminesce | Mirri, Cat Warrior | Rootwater Matriarch
Augur il-Vec | Riddle of Lightning | Scourge of Kher Ridges | Spirit en-Dal
Akroma, Angel of Fury | Oros, the Avenger | Serra Sphinx
Clockwork Hydra | Cloudchaser Kestrel | Faceless Butcher | Herd Gnarr | Molten Slagheap | Mystic Snake | Nantuko Shaman | Twisted Abomination | Verdeloth the Ancient
Dirty Wererat 1 | Dirty Wererat 2 | Herd Gnarr | Mirri, Cat Warrior | Supply / Demand 1 | Supply / Demand 1 | Supply / Demand 2 | Supply / Demand 2 | Viridian Scout
Allosaurus Rider | Luminesce | Mouth of Ronom | Resize
Condemn | Ogre Gatecrasher | Slithering Shade | Supply / Demand | Supply / Demand | Thrive
Belfry Spirit | Cry of Contrition | Culling Sun | Torch Drake
Coalhauler Swine | Oathsworn Giant | Woebringer Demon
Goblin Sky Raider
Cowed by Wisdom | Deathmask Nezumi | Enduring Ideal | Measure of Wickedness
Day of Destiny | Kami of False Hope | Reduce to Dreams
Cleanfall | Eight-and-a-Half-Tails | Kami of Lunacy | Nezumi Shortfang | Seshiro the Anointed
Acquire | Eon Hub | Tangle Asp | Viridian Scout
Greater Harvester | Spire Golem | Talon of Pain
Altar's Light | Culling Scales | Neurok Spy | Vermiculos | Viridian Joiner
Bloodshot Cyclops | Brass Herald | Skull of Orm | Standing Troops | Wing Snare
Call to the Grave | One with Nature | Twisted Abomination | Wing Shards
Frenetic Raptor | Macetail Hystrodon | Ridgetop Raptor | Shaleskin Plower
Goblin Sky Raider | Jareth, Leonine Titan | Silent Specter | Spurred Wolverine | Walking Desecration
Battlefield Scrounger
Deep Analysis | Faceless Butcher | Gravegouger | Major Teroh
Cantivore | Cultural Exchange | Dirty Wererat | Nantuko Elder | Patrol Hound | Whispering Shade
Bog Gnarr | Brass Herald | Glade Gnarr | Kavu Mauler | Mystic Snake
Abyssal Horror | Bloodshot Cyclops | Goblin Elite Infantry | Spirit Link | Wing Snare
Cavern Harpy | Sleeping Potion | Thunderscape Familiar
Marauding Knight | Restock | Shivan Harvest | Urborg Phantom | Verdeloth the Ancient
Jolrael's Favor | Soul Strings
Mind Swords | Sliptide Serpent | Topple
Seeker of Skybreak
Ceremonial Guard | Kyren Glider | Wild Jhovall
Bull Hippo
Standing Troops
Lurking Skirge | Multani, Maro-Sorcerer | Phyrexian Broodlings | Shivan Phoenix | Sleeper's Guile | Swat
Mirri, Cat Warrior
Argothian Enchantress | Bull Hippo | Crater Hellion | Fortitude | Guma | Hidden Ancients | Monk Idealist | Monk Realist | Pouncing Jaguar | Treetop Rangers | Zephid | Zephid's Embrace
Deadhead | Island | Landfill | Poultrygeist | Soldier
Avenging Druid | Mirri, Cat Warrior | Oath of Druids | Rabid Wolverines | Ravenous Baboons | School of Piranha | Standing Troops | Thalakos Scout
Flowstone Hellion | Scapegoat | Smite | Spitting Hydra | Tidal Warrior
Charging Rhino | Heartwood Treefolk | Legacy's Allure | Legerdemain | Sarcomancy | Seeker of Skybreak | Volrath's Curse
Winter, Cursed Rider
Plains 5
Whispering Shade
Fling | Fling
Argothian Enchantress | Oath of Druids
Allosaurus Rider | Nadu, Winged Wisdom | Oros, the Avenger | Silent Specter | Winter, Cursed Rider
Pouncing Jaguar
Deep Analysis | Wing Shards