MV anecdotes
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Les cartes Trinket Mage, Tribute Mage, Trophy Mage, Transit Mage et Treasure Mage forment un méga-méga-cycle d'humains et sorciers appelé "T- Mage", chacun appartenant à une édition différente. Ces cartes coûtent trois manas dont un coloré et permettent de chercher dans la bibliothèque une carte d'artefact avec une valeur de mana dans une plage spécifique.

Source 1 (Micromancer (Dominaria United) - "Trinket Mage was so popular that it spawned two different design paths. The first of these are what I'll call the "T Mages," which tutor for artifacts of a specific mana value range. Trinket Mage gets mana value 1 or less, Tribute Mage gets 2, Trophy Mage gets 3, and Treasure Mage gets 6 or more—yes, that means we haven't finished this cycle yet. [...]")

Source 2 a écrit :
Tribute Mage

This is another card that's trying to help complete a cycle.

It started back in Fifth Dawn with the card Trinket Mage . Fifth Dawn had a "cog" theme focusing on artifacts that cost zero or one. Trinket Mage was designed as a creature that tutored (got a card from your library into your hand) for cogs.

In Mirrodin Besieged, we made a mirror of Trinket Mage with Treasure Mage , a creature that tutored only for expensive artifacts (ones costing six or more).

Aether Revolt started filling in the middle with Trophy Mage which tutored for artifacts costing exactly three mana.

Modern Horizons fills in the two slot, leaving two cards remaining: one that gets converted mana cost 4 and one that gets 5. Let's hope we don't run out of t words.

Source 3 a écrit :
Treasure Mage

This story starts back in the design of Fifth Dawn. One of the themes we'd put into the set was something we called cogs. Cogs were artifacts that had a converted mana cost of 1 or less and had small effects. We then made a number of cards in the set which interacted with the cogs to help you build a deck around them. One such card was designed by Aaron Forsythe:

Aaron enjoys tutoring and "enters the battlefield" effects on creatures, so he combined them to make a cog-friendly Wizard. Trinket Mage got printed and has seen play in numerous formats. (Having a lot of powerful artifacts with a converted mana cost of 1 or less in older formats didn't hurt.)

Flash forward a number of years to Mirrodin Besieged. We're back on Mirrodin, so we decided to make a mirror of Trinket Mage called Treasure Mage . Instead of searching for a small artifact (one with a converted mana cost of 1 or less), it looks for a large artifact (one that has a converted mana cost of 6 or more). It was also a 2/2 for 2U, and we called it Treasure Mage to have a similar feel.

While technically the story is done on Treasure Mage 's design, there's still a little more story to tell. The Aether Revolt design team made Trophy Mage , which tutors for an artifact with a converted mana cost of exactly 3. It's also a 2/2 for 2U with a T word in its name. Modern Horizons then made Tribute Mage , which tutors for an artifact with a converted mana cost of exactly 2.

All of this leaves artifacts of converted mana costs 4 or 5 unaccounted for, but I have faith that one day, provided we don't run out of T words, we'll see this—I'm not sure what to call it as "cycle" seems a little off—completed.
Cette anecdote fait partie de la série "Méga-Méga-Cycle".
Cette anecdote vous a été proposée par zombie33.
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