Les dix cartes
Voyage Home,
Haunt the Network,
Gastal Thrillseeker,
Boom Scholar,
Veteran Beastrider,
Embalmed Ascendant,
Broadside Barrage,
Broodheart Engine,
Cloudspire Coordinator et
Skyserpent Seeker, ainsi que les dix cartes
Guidelight Pathmaker,
Haunted Hellride,
Apocalypse Runner,
Rocketeer Boostbuggy,
Lagorin, Soul of Alacria,
Dune Drifter,
Boosted Sloop,
Thundering Broodwagon,
Cloudspire Skycycle et
Rangers' Aetherhive, de l'édition
Aetherdrift, forment un cycle de sorts, respectivement de montures ou véhicules, bicolores peu communs soutenant chacun un archétype de formats limités.
Source 1 (Just My Archetype - "Recently, we've been exploring giving each two-color pair an in-universe representative. This gives our settings more identity and can help guide drafters. In Aetherdrift, each two-color pair is related to one of the ten teams competing in the main race. [...]") -
Source 2 (Aetherdrift Draft Archetypes - "To help with Limited gameplay, Magic sets have a strategy for each color pair called a draft archetype. These archetypes indicate what the cards in those colors will excel at doing. Knowing what your deck's archetype is will help you pick which cards you'll want to play.") -
Source 3 ("Draft, as an example, had a big influence on the uncommon gold cards that model Draft archetypes")
Source 1 a écrit :
I'll walk you through each of the archetypes, their associated team, and their mechanical identity. [...]
White-Blue: The Guidelight Voyagers
White-blue is a slow, controlling archetype that builds up a board of artifact creatures to eventually overwhelm your opponent. It has artifact synergies that play well with Vehicles.
Blue-Black: The Speed Demons
Blue-black is a slow and steady bleeder deck where you gum up the board and use a variety of cards to slowly plink away at your opponent's life total.
Black-Red: The Endriders
Black-red is an aggressive beatdown deck that takes advantage of start your engines! and max speed to upgrade your attackers.
Red-Green: The Goblin Rocketeers
The red-green deck is a midrange deck that uses the exhaust mechanic to upgrade its creatures to impressive size.
Green-White: The Alacrian Quickbeasts
Green-white is another midrange deck that encourages you to play a lot of Vehicles and saddle with effects that will help boost them on their path to victory.
White-Black: The Champions of Amonkhet
White-black is an aggressive attrition deck, using start your engines! and max speed, which keeps up an endless army of attacking Zombies while whittling away your opponent's resources.
Blue-Red: The Keelhaulers
Blue-red is an aggressive deck that makes use of discard, mostly through cycling, to keep its card flow of attackers coming.
Black-Green: The Speedbrood
Black-green is a recursion-centric deck that focuses on filling up its graveyard and returning large threats to the battlefield.
Red-White: Cloudspire Racing Team
Red-white is an aggro deck that has extra synergy with Vehicles.
Green-Blue: The Aether Rangers
Green-blue is a ramp deck that builds up its mana to play large creatures and Vehicles. It also uses that mana on exhaust costs to overwhelm the opponent.
Source 2 a écrit :
White-Blue Artifact Value
Blue-Black Artifact Bleeder
Black-Red Max Speed Aggro
Red-Green Exhaust Midrange
Green-White Vehicles and Mounts Midrange
White-Black Max Speed Attrition
Blue-Red Discard Aggro
Black-Green Graveyard
Red-White Vehicles and Mounts Aggro
Green-Blue Exhaust Ramp