Format |
Tournoi |
Joueurs |
date |
Peasant |
Mtg-Peasant @ Cockatrice |
8 |
16/11/25 |
Pioneer |
MTGO Challenge 32 |
57 |
21/01/25 |
Pioneer |
MTGO League |
21/01/25 |
Pauper |
MTGO League |
21/01/25 |
Duel Commander |
MTGO League |
21/01/25 |
Duel Commander |
Watermelon Champion Cup Nights @ Slow Drake (Beijing, China) |
15 |
21/01/25 |
Modern |
3City League (FDN) #9 @ SideQuest (Gdańsk, Poland) |
26 |
21/01/25 |
Modern |
MTGO League |
21/01/25 |
Standard |
MTGO League |
21/01/25 |
Legacy |
MTGO League |
21/01/25 |
Vintage |
MTGO League |
21/01/25 |
Pioneer |
3City League (FDN) #7 @ SideQuest (Gdańsk, Poland) |
13 |
20/01/25 |
Pauper |
Lp Alessandria Tappa 7 @ Alessasndria (Italy) |
16 |
20/01/25 |
Pauper |
MTGO League |
20/01/25 |
Duel Commander |
EpicGame Weekly #3 @ Epic (Sao Paulo, Brazil) |
17 |
20/01/25 |
Duel Commander |
MTGO Duel Commander Trial 16 |
17 |
20/01/25 |
Duel Commander |
MTGO League |
20/01/25 |
Modern |
MTGO Challenge 64 |
98 |
20/01/25 |
Modern |
MTGO Challenge 64 |
94 |
20/01/25 |
Modern |
MTGO Qualifier |
274 |
20/01/25 |
Standard |
MTGO Challenge 64 |
90 |
20/01/25 |
Standard |
MTGO League |
20/01/25 |
Legacy |
MTGO League |
20/01/25 |
Legacy |
Weekly @ Najáda (Prague, Czech Republic) |
12 |
20/01/25 |
Explorer |
Crew3 Online Showdown #1 @ Crew3 Podcast |
9 |
19/01/25 |
Explorer |
Holiday Night Magic @ Real MTG Club Arena Tricks |
6 |
19/01/25 |
Explorer |
Pioneer January 2025 Qualifiers @ Aetherclash Gaming |
4 |
19/01/25 |
cEDH |
Finnish cEDH National Championship series 3/5 @ Bar & Cafe Lategame (Tampere, Finland) |
19 |
19/01/25 |
cEDH |
Monthly cEDH @ 3rd Universe (Croton-on-Hudson, NY) |
11 |
19/01/25 |
Pioneer |
MTGO Challenge 32 |
48 |
19/01/25 |
Pioneer |
MTGO Challenge 32 |
51 |
19/01/25 |
Pioneer |
Sheoldred, the Apocalypse Competition @ TC (Osaka, Japan) |
16 |
19/01/25 |
Pauper |
"Rock, Pauper, Scissors!" IPT @ Playtime (Merate, Italy) |
63 |
19/01/25 |
Pauper |
Copa Carcará @ Fortaleza (Brazil) |
17 |
19/01/25 |
Pauper |
Lega Napoli - V Tappa @ Estremo (Napoli, Italy) |
11 |
19/01/25 |
Pauper |
MTGO Challenge 32 |
63 |
19/01/25 |
Pauper |
MTGO League |
19/01/25 |
Duel Commander |
Caribbean kraken Cup @ Nice Club (Wuxi, China) |
8 |
19/01/25 |
Duel Commander |
DTC League @ Rouen (France) |
49 |
19/01/25 |
Duel Commander |
Duel Sunday @ Darksteel (Ericeira, Portugal) |
12 |
19/01/25 |
Duel Commander |
Monthly Event @ Cartooncorp Evolution (Valencia, Spain) |
14 |
19/01/25 |
Duel Commander |
MTGO Duel Commander League |
19/01/25 |
Duel Commander |
MTGO Duel Commander Trial 16 |
25 |
19/01/25 |
Duel Commander |
Turbo Commander Game's (TCG) @ France - online |
10 |
19/01/25 |
Duel Commander |
Watermelon Champion Cup 56 @ Slow Drake (Beijing, China) |
23 |
19/01/25 |
Duel Commander |
Win a Biland des Licornes @ Bourges (France) |
32 |
19/01/25 |
Modern |
BIG @ Magic World (Kyiv,Ukraine) |
21 |
19/01/25 |
Modern |
CDF Modern Qualifier @ Carta'Jeu (Lyon, France) |
15 |
19/01/25 |
Modern |
January Tournament @ TCG Portal (Dresden, Germany) |
20 |
19/01/25 |
Modern |
MTGO Challenge 64 |
95 |
19/01/25 |
Modern |
MTGO Challenge 64 |
110 |
19/01/25 |
Modern |
MTGO League |
19/01/25 |
Standard |
9th Omiya Standard "Sai" kyo Championship @ Hareruya (Japan) |
17 |
19/01/25 |
Standard |
MTGO Challenge 64 |
76 |
19/01/25 |
Standard |
MTGO League |
19/01/25 |
Standard |
RCQ @ Good Games (Chatswood, Australia) |
29 |
19/01/25 |
Standard |
RCQ @ Il Labirinto (Bollate, Milan) |
50 |
19/01/25 |
Standard |
RCQ @ El Nucli (Spain) |
50 |
19/01/25 |
Standard |
Rumble @ Yokohama (Japan) |
29 |
19/01/25 |
Legacy |
5° Tappa Tigullio League by kryptalegacy @ Krypta Legacy (Chiavari, Italy) |
7 |
19/01/25 |
Legacy |
Charlotte League - Player's Tournament @ Parker Banner Kent Wayne (Cornelius, NC) |
20 |
19/01/25 |
Legacy |
Gones 16 - 10 years @ Lyon (France) |
90 |
19/01/25 |
Legacy |
MTGO Challenge 32 |
32 |
19/01/25 |
Legacy |
MTGO Challenge 32 |
71 |
19/01/25 |
Legacy |
MTGO League |
19/01/25 |
Legacy |
Rumble @ Omiya (Japan) |
17 |
19/01/25 |
Vintage |
League Senigallia #5 @ Senigallia (Italy) |
16 |
19/01/25 |
Vintage |
MTGO Challenge 32 |
37 |
19/01/25 |
Premodern |
2ª Liga - Jornada 1 @ Mirari (Vitoria Gasteiz, Spain) |
43 |
18/01/25 |
Premodern |
Scavenger Cup |
18/01/25 |
Explorer |
Dori V Event @ Nicole Masuwaka |
12 |
18/01/25 |
cEDH |
Battle against Time - cEDH Tournament @ Comic Portal (Dresden-Altstadt, Germany) |
35 |
18/01/25 |
cEDH |
cEDH @ We Buy Any Card (Maidenhead, UK) |
28 |
18/01/25 |
cEDH |
cEDH: Clash of the Titans Vol. 1 @ Primeval Games (Kentwood, MI) |
25 |
18/01/25 |
cEDH |
Commander Invitational Qualifier @ East Coast Gaming (Cary, NC) |
19 |
18/01/25 |
cEDH |
Commander Invitational Qualifier @ Discordia Games (Bremerton, WA) |
22 |
18/01/25 |
cEDH |
Commander Invitational Qualifier @ Enchanted Gaming Emporium (Murray, KY) |
11 |
18/01/25 |
cEDH |
Commander Invitational Qualifier @ The Guilded Grayland ( Shawnee, OK) |
6 |
18/01/25 |
cEDH |
ExtraExtra 1K Tournament @ The Kings Courtgaming (Taunton, MA) |
20 |
18/01/25 |
cEDH |
FNM cEDH @ MopTop & Beardie (Gray, GA) |
18 |
18/01/25 |
cEDH |
Friday CEDH @ Hotsauce Games (Downers Grove, IL) |
26 |
18/01/25 |
cEDH |
January Event @ Dragon Parlor Games (Spokane Valley, WA) |
29 |
18/01/25 |
cEDH |
New Year cEDH Tournament @ The Guild Hall's (Mitchell, SD) |
17 |
18/01/25 |
cEDH |
Round Table Open @ Round Table Hobbies (Lawton, OK) |
22 |
18/01/25 |
cEDH |
SSSC cEDH For a Dual @ game headquarters (Oklahoma City, OK) |
9 |
18/01/25 |
cEDH |
Tournoi de Janvier - cEDH Québec @ Le Coin du Jeu (Lachenaie, Québec) |
26 |
18/01/25 |
cEDH |
Win-a-wheel @ Kidforce (Berea, OH) |
22 |
18/01/25 |
Pioneer |
MTGO Challenge 32 |
48 |
18/01/25 |
Pauper |
Challenge Wrocław 2025 @ Stajnia Gier (Wrocław, Poland) |
19 |
18/01/25 |
Pauper |
Dutch League - Final @ Amsterdam (The Netherlands) |
8 |
18/01/25 |
Pauper |
Meeple's Club - 110 |
5 |
18/01/25 |
Pauper |
MTGO Challenge 32 |
50 |
18/01/25 |
Pauper |
MTGO League |
18/01/25 |
Pauper |
Oslo Pauper League #5 @ Outland (Oslo, Norway) |
13 |
18/01/25 |
Pauper |
Tropical 218 |
29 |
18/01/25 |
Duel Commander |
Anniversary Tournament @ Landes of Cards (Dax, France) |
16 |
18/01/25 |
Duel Commander |
Blood Moon DC @ (České Budějovice, Czech Republic) |
10 |
18/01/25 |
Duel Commander |
DC Le coin des barons @ Le Coin Des Barons (Narbonne, France) |
14 |
18/01/25 |
Duel Commander |
Duel Commander @ Challenger (NRW, Germany) |
8 |
18/01/25 |
Duel Commander |
Galaxy Cup #60 @ Origin Card Home (Jinan, China) |
8 |
18/01/25 |